Recently I began shopping for a company to install panels on my home in Florida. I went to the website because an automotive colleague recently went to work for this national installer. After filling out my contact information, I was informed that SunRun did not serve the State of Florida. I was discouraged, and was heading to another website to request a quote when…..
It became clear that SunRun immediately sold my lead to at least five different solar companies in Florida. I was not sure who was calling at first, because none of the calls had caller-ID in place. I also get many business phone calls a day and, of course, spam calls. Does this scenario sound familiar to anyone in the automotive industry?
So, when I was tired of getting harassed by solar companies, it impacted my personal and business call receptivity mindset. I found myself not answering calls from unknown numbers more than normal. Of course, I don’t pick up calls marked as spam, which can include legitimate businesses, but I will get to that later.
A few months ago, I was told of a solution that could create branded visual messaging on outbound calls to consumers, but, at the time, I ignored the benefits. I was not in the correct mindset until this week. Then I went back and did my research, and now I see a clear path forward for automotive dealers who want to significantly increase their BDC and sales outbound answer rates.
For some dealers, they will see a 30% increase in outbound conversations and, for others, it will be in the 50-60% range. Some will see a 100% increase because it depends on how diligent the dealership has been in inspecting whether their outbound numbers are being flagged as telemarketers or spam. It also depends on the cadence of calls scheduled for each lead in the CRM.
Here are some case studies from other verticals that depend on outbound calls:
The Branded Call Display technology will get even better in Q1 2024 when, not only will the car dealership’s logo and name be displayed on the consumer’s cell phone, but also the reason for the call.
When a consumer completes a lead form on a dealer’s website, they expect a call. The problem is that with so many spam calls, the consumer has no idea that the call is from the auto dealer.
When I asked a few dealers why they are not using a branded caller-ID platform, I received some feedback which could be best described as frustration with old technology. One dealer commented that when they added caller-ID, they were flagged as telemarketers or spam. Others indicated that the caller-ID system did not work on all cell phone carriers.
The good news is that there is new technology that accomplishes two important things: 1) keeping dealer numbers off the spam list as a continual daily process, and 2) adding branded caller-ID with name, logo, and intent.
Dealers are under significant pressure to right-size their business as floor plan costs eat away at profits. Some dealers are also struggling with new models which are slow to move off their lots. Every lead and sales opportunity counts.
Look at the example below, and tell me which example would give your dealership the highest connection rates? Most dealers look like the example on the right, and the ones on the left would be the winners in call connection rates.
Look at the example below, and tell me which example would give your dealership the highest connection rates? Most dealers look like the example on the right, and the ones on the left would be the winners in call connection rates.
What is worse? Well, some dealers have their calls come up as spam, even though the call is requested by the consumer. When the “verified” check-mark comes up on the consumer’s cell phone, it builds trust.
That is why auto dealers need a Trusted Call Solution partner.
I’m announcing today a new national case study that will run for the next 8 months and compile dealer results to be presented at the 2024 Digital Marketing Strategies Conference (DMSC) in Austin on June 2-4th. I believe that once we have enough data specifically from the auto industry, this technology investment will be a requirement for Modern Automotive Retailing.
Dealers who would like to participate in the Branded Caller ID case study should contact me immediately. Please email me with the subject “Branded Caller ID Case Study” and send your contact information to:
We will also be having a meeting at the Modern Retailing Conference (MRC) to discuss the technology and roll-out plans for intent-based caller-ID in Q1 of 2024. Dealers who want to be in the accelerated group should join me at MRC, and I have some dealer passes that are unassigned from our MRC sponsors. Contact me if you want to attend MRC.
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